Club Risk Management Resources
While planning fundraisers and activities, our club keeps an eye toward safety to avoid accidents. Some activities inherently involve some risk. With others, the risks aren’t as obvious. There’s a lot to know about risk management: what is covered by insurance and what is excluded, what activities beg a waiver, and how to report a claim if an accident does occur. All members are asked to use these tools to educate yourself and others on how to physically protect participants and financially protect our club.
International Youth Protection Symposium
Best practices for a club's background check policy
Club insurance resource guide—2017–18 (General liability and Directors & Officers liability information)
Directors and Officers Insurance
Certificate of Insurance—U.S. (2017–18)
Certificate of Insurance—request for additional insured wording
Certificate of Insurance Requirements
How to Report a Liability Claim
Optional Insurance resource guide (2018-19)