We  Have Fun Serving


Contact us: membership@wvkiwanis.com


The West Valley Kiwanis Club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide. 

Here are a few examples of how we serve and fund projects benefiting children of all ages:

1. West Valley Community Fair Food Service

2. West Valley High School Key Club

3. West Valley Middle-Level Campus Builders Club

4. Wide Hollow Elementary K Kids Club

5. Yakima Valley Aktion Club

6. West Valley Dollars for Scholars and YVC Foundation

7. Camp Prime Time

8. Kiwanis Children's Cancer Program

9. Kiwanis Children's Foundation

We explore topics of interest to the membership. We also enjoy a number of social activities and great opportunities for service that build friendships and personal growth.

Please make time to review our photo album, calendar, and club news to help understand what we do.  The best way to understand Kiwanis is to help us with our next service project!  

Please contact  membership@wvkiwanis.com to find out how to get involved.

Camp Prime Time

We maintain and sponsor a Cabin, volunteer to help cook and serve meals and donate funds to help support the Camp. Key Club members often assist us with our work.  Click here to view our photo album,

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Each year we  partner with the Salvation Army, Key, and K Kids Clubs to "ring bells" for a community in need 

"Golf for the Kids" Fundraiser

Our annual fundraiser to support Club service projects and  Kiwanis Kids Cancer Research

Hole and Tournament Sponsorships are always appreciated!  Click here to view pictures of past events.

School Food Drives

We partner with K Kids to collect food through donations at Wide Hollow, Summitview and Ahtanum Valley Elementary Schools.  Pizza parties are given for the top classroom at each school.  Click here to view pictures

Camp Prime Time Tree Recycling Project

Recycle your Christmas tree and donate to a great cause supporting families with children with serious illness or disabilities.  We volunteer each year collecting donations and trees.  Click here to learn more.

Recyling Project

We manage two newspaper recycling bins (Tieton Village and Yakima Battery parking lots).  All proceeds support our community service projects.

Social Events

We enjoy several social events during the year, including our annual installation/recognition and Christmas dinner celebrations.  Click here for Installation dinner photos.

Scholarships and Foundations

We currently provide academic scholarships through "West Valley Dollars for Scholars" to graduating Key Club members and the Yakima Valley College Foundation.  We also contribute to the PNW Kiwanis Foundation and a variety of youth oriented and nonprofits groups in our community.

Yakima Valley Crime Stoppers

Each year we cook hot dog meals for volunteers and participants for the "Canyon for a Day"  Bike ride.  Key Club members help us too.  Click here for photos.

Kiwanis Children's Cancer Program

We are dedicated to raising money to fund Fellowships at Seattle Children’s Hospital through our Kiwanis Children's Cancer Fellowship Program.  The Fellowship Program is for recently graduated doctors, who will spend three years, specializing in pediatric hematology/oncology at Seattle Children’s Hospital. 

New Projects?

Become a Kiwanian and help us identify needs in our community!