Wide Hollow Elementary School K Kids
K-Kids is an international student-led program for elementary school students providing members with opportunities to perform service, build character and develop leadership skills.
In K-Kids clubs worldwide, more than 36,000 children are learning leadership through service. They're taking on the responsibility of running a K-Kids club as they plan and participate in community service projects.
Clubs are chartered in partnership with a Kiwanis club and a school or community-based organization serving elementary school students. The Kiwanis Club of West Valley-Yakima is excited to sponsor the K Kids Club at Wide Hollow Elementary School.
Our K Kids Club, chartered in 2015, is fun and provides meaningful service leadership opportunities for Wide Hollow fifth graders!
K Kids Ring Bells for Salvation Army
Members of the Wide Hollow Elementary School K Kids Club served as Salvation Army "Kiwanis Bell Ringers" this month @ the Orchards Rosauers., 11-5 pm. We were thankful for their dedication and the caring support of their parents for making their first community service project of the year a success!
Click here to view all of our Bell Ringing pictures, including the West Valley High School Key Club members at Wrays.